Our mission is to be an inclusive congregation that provides a supportive and welcoming environment in order to sustain and strengthen Jewish traditions, education, and sense of community. Our values guide us through everything we do at CBD, and encompass: Jewish traditions that are based on Conservative teachings and that are informed by our congregants’ needs Lifelong Jewish learning that Read more...
Property Type: Congregation
Address: 102 Kingstown Road
Rhode Island
United States
Rhode Island
United States
Category: Conservative
Phone: (401) 789-3437
Property Type: Rabbi
Address: Providence
Rhode Island
United States
Rhode Island
United States
Category: Jewish Renewal
Email: Lex@JudaismUnbound.com
Rabbi Lex Rofeberg is a Jewish educator and activist who serves as co-host of the Judaism Unbound podcast and as Senior Jewish Educator for Judaism Unbound’s UnYeshiva, a digital center for Jewish learning and unlearning. He graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Judaic Studies from Brown University in 2013. While in college he served as Brown RISD Hillel’s student president, Read more...
Property Type: Rabbi
Address: 102 Kingstown Road
Rhode Island
United States
Rhode Island
United States
Email: eadler3@cox.net
Rabbi Ethan Adler is the Religious leader of Congregation Beth David. Ethan has been the Spiritual Leader of Congregation Beth David of Narragansett for over 25 years, where he also has served as the Education Director of the South County Hebrew School. Concurrently he is the Assistant Director of Jewish Eldercare of RI and teaches various courses at local colleges. Read more...