Rabbi Regina Sandler-Phillips facilitates transformation at the nexus of spirituality, sustainability, and social justice. Her guidance for end-of-life sacred fellowship has helped to empower caring communities worldwide. Rabbi Regina is the editor of GENEROUS JUSTICE: Jewish Wisdom for Just-Giving and the author of COUNTING DAYS: From Liberation to Revelation for Jews in Recovery. Her work has been featured in The New Read more...
Property Type: Rabbi
Address: 11218, Kings County
New York
New York
United States
New York
New York
United States
Category: Non- /Trans-Denominational
Email: waysofpeace.org@gmail.com
Property Type: Congregation
Address: 54 Riverside Drive
New York County
New York
United States
New York County
New York
United States
Category: Non- /Trans-Denominational
Email: rabbisteve@simshalom.com
Phone: 917-407-0477
Sim Shalom is an interactive Online Jewish Universalist Synagogue- liberal in thought and traditional in liturgy. We are an unaffiliated and pluralistic Jewish community, evolving and organically growing. We welcome members of our community from throughout the world! We offer daily online synagogue services. Here are a few other things you should know about us: * We are Jewish Universalist Read more...
Property Type: Rabbi
Address: Manhattan
New York County
New York
United States
New York County
New York
United States
Category: Non- /Trans-Denominational
Email: rabbisteve@simshalom.com
Phone: 917-407-0477
Rabbi Steven Blane is founder and Spiritual Leader of Congregation Sim Shalom, one of the world’s first International ONLINE communities of Liberal Jews. He is also the founder and Dean of JSLI- The Jewish Spiritual Leader’s Institute, an online Rabbinical and Cantorial School. He writes, “my calling as a Rabbi is deeply rooted in the progression of every aspect of Read more...
Property Type: Congregation
Address: 84 Sprague Road
New York
United States
New York
United States
Category: Humanistic
Email: info@wchj.org
Phone: 914-713-8828
The WCHJ community is a warm, supportive meeting place for non-theistic Jews and their families. We celebrate and explore our Jewish identity through thoughtful, creative and questioning engagement with Jewish traditions, ethics and culture. Our members share a fundamental belief in the power of human reason and responsibility, rather than of supernatural authority. Members participate actively in creating our own Read more...
Property Type: Rabbi
Address: 15 West 28th Street
New York
New York
United States
New York
New York
United States
Category: Humanistic
Rabbi Dr. Tzemah Yoreh, leader of The City Congregation, is one the intellectual leaders of Jewish humanism. He has been a student of the Bible since his earliest days, winning the Diaspora Division of the International Bible Contest in childhood. He attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where he obtained his Ph.D. in biblical criticism in record time. He earned Read more...
Property Type: Rabbi
Address: Manhattan
New York County
New York
United States
New York County
New York
United States
Category: Humanistic
Email: ftamburello@hotmail.com
With over 25 years of experience, I have been performing weddings, commitment services, and other life-cycle events in Metropolitan New York and on Long Island. If you are seeking an alternative to mainstream religious practice, if you would like to celebrate the milestones of your life in a way that is in keeping with your beliefs, then I can help you Read more...
Property Type: Jewish School Affiliated With Synagogue
Address: New York, NY
New York
New York
United States
New York
New York
United States
Category: Humanistic
Email: info@citycongregation.org
Phone: (212) 213-1002
The City Congregation’s Jewish Preschool instills a love of Jewish culture in children two through four alongside a parent or guardian. Older children can enroll in our Jewish KidSchool. Classes are held twice a month on Sundays from 2:45 PM to 5:15 PM at 15 West 86th Street (SAJ) in Manhattan.You do not need to be a member of The City Congregation Read more...
Property Type: Jewish School Affiliated With Synagogue
Address: New York
New York
New York
United States
New York
New York
United States
Category: Humanistic
Email: info@citycongregation.org
Phone: (212) 213-1002
The City Congregation’s Jewish KidSchool fosters an understanding and appreciation of Jewish culture in children five and up. An alternative to traditional Hebrew school or Sunday school, we introduce the concepts and literature of classical Judaism from a secular humanistic perspective and we explore our own values and history as well. Classes are normally held twice each month, on Sundays from Read more...
Property Type: Congregation
Address: New York
New York
New York
United States
New York
New York
United States
Category: Humanistic
Email: info@citycongregation.org
Phone: (212) 213-1002
The City Congregation was founded in 1991 as the New York City affiliate of the Society for Humanistic Judaism. Our members come from many different backgrounds. We hold many different opinions and beliefs. We joined the congregation in search of something cultural, spiritual, intellectual, or social. What we have in common is a commitment to our shared secular values and future. Read more...
Cantor Abbe Lyons is dedicated to enhancing the spiritual and emotional power of music and Jewish learning in everyday life as well as in sacred spaces. She is on the faculty at ALEPH Ordination Programs, where she studied with Hazzan Jack Kessler and received smicha as Hazzan (Cantor) in 2010. She is a Hillel professional at Ithaca College, where received a B.Mus. Read more...