Our youth education is called the Spinoza* Program and it provides our young people with a positive and enriching Jewish cultural educational experience that will empower them to make choices about how to incorporate Jewish culture and heritage into their own lives, supplying them with the tools to make informed decisions about their Jewish identities. We also place an important emphasis on helping the children learn about Humanistic values within a framework where questions, challenges, and critical thinking are welcomed and encouraged!
Our program is hands-on fun from the moment we begin each Sunday morning with bagels and a musical assembly for the whole family. This is followed by an hour in which children participate in an hour of exploration of a variety of topics such topics as:
The Jewish Family, Home, and Symbols
The Jewish Take on Human Values
Jewish Storytelling
Secular Jewish Culture in the Arts, Sciences, and Popular Culture
Jewish Geography & Experiences Around the World
The American Jewish Experience
Humanism and Humanistic Judaism
Jewish Literature
The European and Spanish Jewish Experience
Ancient Israelites & Jews—A Fact and Fiction
Comparative Judaisms
Our school encourages students to embrace their Jewish heritage on their own terms through educational experiences that are engaging, enjoyable and fun! Children may enroll in the program as early as pre-school and continue through seventh grade. Those in 8th grade and up, are invited to participate in Rabbi Falick’s Post-B’nei Mitzvah Class. The Spinoza Program is a benefit of membership and we do not charge tuition (just a small materials fee).
Farmington Hills
United States