Upcoming Talk: Circumcision & Conversion

Thurs. July 7, 2022 @ 7:30 PM EDT Please join us for this Bruchim presentation which is open-to-all and being offered free of charge! Email info@bruchim.online to get the Zoom link or use the following meeting ID and passcode to enter. Thanks and we hope to see you there! Meeting ID: 825 9836 5896 Passcode: 417195…

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Brit Milah and Loving the Stranger: A Bruchim Text Study

March 21, 2022 — In this exploration of Torah text and Maimonides’ book Guide for the Perplexed, Bruchim’s president and co-founder Lisa Braver Moss discusses the practice of brit milah and the Torah’s many mentions of the commandment to love the stranger. What possible connection could there be between the stranger, the newborn baby, and…

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The Case for Welcoming Uncircumcised Jews From Rabbinic Sources

February 20, 2022 — The association of Jews with the practice of circumcision is one that pervades the popular imagination, and it is undeniably well-earned. Circumcision has been an important Jewish practice for the better part of two millennia, and over its long history, it has accrued many varied meanings and valences. The dominant narrative…

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Save the Date: Recognizing Mark Reiss, M.D.

April 7 @ 5:15 p.m. Pacific Time RSVP to info@bruchim.online Please join Bruchim as we honor our friend and colleague Mark D. Reiss, M.D. for his many years of advocating for Jewish families who wish to have brit shalom ceremonies. Bruchim will present Mark with a Life Award. We’ll also launch & dedicate Bruchim’s comprehensive directory of…

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Be Honest About the Bris: A Jewish Call for Greater Integrity

February 1, 2022, BY Max Buckler — As a founding member of Bruchim, the new Jewish nonprofit advocating for Jews who hold critical views of brit milah, I seek to build bridges between those who continue to practice the traditional ritual and the growing number of Jews who have come to believe, as I do,…

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Asking Questions About Circumcision: Is that Allowed?

January 30, 2022, BY Rabbi Barbara Thiede — No, circumcision does not make a Jew. No, what ancient peoples called circumcision wouldn’t count as one for us. And, no, we do not have proof that circumcision was unquestioned or even highly valued by our ancestors. History and mythology have a complicated relationship. The latter is not…

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